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Showing posts from May, 2018

M. A. G. A!

  Our Monetary Deceit Can Continue! Or We Can M. A. G. A! Which Shall it be? Since the Federal Reserve began its modus operandi without the required approval of a 75% Constitutional Ratification; Derivatives have since been used as the basis of Banking Deception . A Monetary Method of Deceit, of which, they, yes all the banks, have all been guilty since 1913. Article 1 Section 8, of the USA Constitution reads:   “Congress shall have the power to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures; To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current coin of the United States;”   Therefore Congress itself has been totally remiss in the non performance of its duty to all U.S. citizens. So, 'Term limits' could help drain the swamp of the “Old Boy” network, and be very instrumental in Making America Great Again! A Derivative by definition; is something, the value of which is based up...

Sound the TRUMP-et!

Sound the TRUMP-et! William Jennings Bryan said, one hundred and ninety six years ago; “The liberty bell gave notice to a waiting and expectant people that independence had been declared.   There may be doubting ones among us now, but sirs, I do not overestimate it when I say that millions are waiting, anxiously waiting for the signal which shall announce the Financial Independence of the United States.”     Our Trump-et shall blare forth. This, and what follows is dedicated to all Free Thinkers, who realize a Financial World Crisis is now upon us and courageously, are willing to do something about it. First a little history, so that we understand the cause of our problems:   Salmon P Chase, Secretary of the Treasury under Abraham Lincoln, said; “My agency in procuring the passage of the National Bank Act was the greatest financial mistake of my life. It has built up a monopoly that affects every interest in the country.   It should be repealed. But be...