Sound the TRUMP-et!
William Jennings Bryan said, one hundred and ninety six years ago; “The liberty bell gave notice to a waiting and expectant people that independence had been declared. There may be doubting ones among us now, but sirs, I do not overestimate it when I say that millions are waiting, anxiously waiting for the signal which shall announce the Financial Independence of the United States.”
Our Trump-et shall blare forth. This, and what follows is dedicated to all Free Thinkers, who realize a Financial World Crisis is now upon us and courageously, are willing to do something about it. William Jennings Bryan said, one hundred and ninety six years ago; “The liberty bell gave notice to a waiting and expectant people that independence had been declared. There may be doubting ones among us now, but sirs, I do not overestimate it when I say that millions are waiting, anxiously waiting for the signal which shall announce the Financial Independence of the United States.”
First a little history, so that we understand the cause of our problems: Salmon P Chase, Secretary of the Treasury under Abraham Lincoln, said; “My agency in procuring the passage of the National Bank Act was the greatest financial mistake of my life. It has built up a monopoly that affects every interest in the country. It should be repealed. But before this can be accomplished the people will be arrayed on one side and the banks on the other in a contest such as we have never seen before in this country.”
Interestingly enough the National Bank Act was never ratified as an amendment to our constitution and is just as unconstitutional and therefore as illegal as the DOMA was so recently declared to be. Thus the National Bank Act which sustains the Federal Reserve needs to be ratified or abolished, just as DOMA was likewise declared to be unconstitutional.
Further Abraham Lincoln, whose opinions and judgments are probably more revered than any man who has served as President of the United States, said: “As a result of the War, corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow. And the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices of the people until wealth is aggregated in the hands of the few and the Republic is destroyed.”
It is time to stop bailing out large corporations and especially big banks by using public taxes. It is time to cease the printing of false Monopoly type au-fait money. We need to strike the deceptive word Derivative from our US vocabulary and start to deal honestly with our fellow man. It is time to re-instate Gold and silver alone, as our money.
Derivative: Something, the value of which is based upon another source, or underlying asset. Based upon, allows the Derivative to be a multiple of that asset. This corruption began with the introduction of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Back then our $1 bill would purchase a one dollar coin of .999 pure silver, weight one ounce. Now it takes $18 au-fait/sans-fait, bills to do so. 1/18=.05 cents. This devaluation of our money is entirely due to the Federal Reserve allowing the banks to issue loans based upon a derivative system of 1:10. Now they are allowing banks to issue loans based on a derivative of 1:100. If the banks are not controlled they would obey no restrictions whatsoever. All hell could break loose. Is it any wonder the Chinese and other nations are dumping Dollars as fast as they can do so? We have destroyed our own credibility.
Now I suggest we replace our currency entirely with Trumps and Pence instead of Dollars and Cents. Let each new Trump likewise be equal to 100 Pence and equal to a one ounce .999 pure silver coin. Only deceased Presidents pictures are currently printed on bigger denominations. No person who is not dead may have his picture on our currency. We could thus return to a Silver standard, and never again allow bank loans to be made, based upon the deception created by Derivatives. Be honest in all our dealings with our fellow man. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you/us only if we possess money, may we be allowed to lend it. To issue bogus money based upon a derivative system is total deceit. We should not be party to the IMF. We have no need of their SDR system. Remain Independant.
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