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M. A. G. A!

 Our Monetary Deceit Can Continue!
Or We Can M. A. G. A!
Which Shall it be?
Since the Federal Reserve began its modus operandi without the required approval of a 75% Constitutional Ratification; Derivatives have since been used as the basis of Banking Deception. A Monetary Method of Deceit, of which, they, yes all the banks, have all been guilty since 1913.
Article 1 Section 8, of the USA Constitution reads:  “Congress shall have the power to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures; To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current coin of the United States;” 

Therefore Congress itself has been totally remiss in the non performance of its duty to all U.S. citizens. So, 'Term limits' could help drain the swamp of the “Old Boy” network, and be very instrumental in Making America Great Again!

A Derivative by definition; is something, the value of which is based upon, i.e. derived from another asset. “Based Upon”, allows the Derivative to be a multiple of that other asset. Therein lays the deception.  The Federal Reserve, our most unconstitutional Central Bank has been allowing other banks to lend to the public, loans, based upon 10 times the amount of money they have on deposit with the Federal Reserve. I.E. on a 1:10 Ratio.  On a 1:10 ratio the Central Bank because of the monies on deposit from many other banks can easily cover, a run on any single bank. That system, though deceptive, has been working reasonably well until now.
However, now allowing the banks to make loans based upon a 1:100 ratio is just asking for trouble. It allows them to 1, charge interest upon money they most certainly do not possess. 2, to create au/fait money out of thin air, so that they can make big profit charging interest upon nonexistent dollars. If this is allowed to become a regular Banking Practice, this lending derivative arrangement, and the subsequent sans/fait, it will create, can cause a run on not just one, but on many banks. Could the Government itself cover or even recover, from such a lack of trust in the banking system? One can only shudder to think of such a debacle?  Would the people willingly suffer the imposition of additional taxation to sustain Villainous/Rogue banks, which care not at all for the people whose livelihoods they have destroyed and whose money they have continually abused and thus devalued?  

In addition to our Government printing over $40 Billion and most recently over $80 Billion per month just to pay our foreign debtors, and thus causing the value of the Dollar to become deflated, we also have the Banks continuously at it electronically, granting loans on  non-existant dollars.   In 1913, one could purchase a one ounce of .999 sterling Silver dollar, with just one Greenback Dollar, but now it requires 18 Greenbacks to do so?  1/18=.05 cents.  One greenback's, real value, today.  Yes folks,  its 5 cents!

Former head of the U.S. Fed, Alan Greenspan, put it simply: "Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth." That quote is from 1966, and it still holds  true. Today, the confiscation of wealth from the public, via deficit spending, continues totally unabated.

Such is the result of the Federal Reserve being given Uncontrolled Unconstitutional Authority to conduct its own Modus Operandi; and for which Salmon P Chase, secretary of the Treasury under Abraham Lincoln said; “My agency in procuring the passage of the National Bank Act was the greatest financial mistake of my life. It has built up a monopoly that affects every interest in the country. It should be repealed. But before that can be accomplished the people will be arrayed on one side and the banks on the other in a contest such as we have never seen before in this country.”

Government support of the Banking Debacle in 2008 which included Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac amongst others, saved the major offending criminals from justice.  Why? They should have been allowed to go Bankrupt, and then made to serve time like Bernie Madeoff!  They too, like Bernie, should have been incarcerated.  

Abraham Lincoln himself, whose opinions and judgments are probably more revered than any man who has served as President of the United States, said:
“As a result of War, corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow. And the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong it reign by working on the prejudices of the people until wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few and the Republic is destroyed.”

Our Republic is being destroyed by treachery from within.  The Federal Reserve’s use of derivatives has destroyed the value of our currency, insomuch that people who have saved all their lives for a retirement income, find that their pension money is now worthless. To simply live, they find themselves, forced to work on into their old age,
However, the National Bank Act, was never ratified as a constitutional amendment.  Thus a simple majority vote of congress would repeal it and wipe out the Federal Reserve. Alternatively, have it ratified but its modus operandi restricted, to lending based upon a Ratio of 1:1, simple honesty.  I.E. if you have the money you can lend it, otherwise you most definitely, can NOT.  No more au-fait, Fancy-Fictional-Financial, Monopoly Money, board game, type dollars.   
To drain the swamp: Term Limits should admirably do the trick. No person who has had a Felony conviction should ever be allowed to hold any public office.  All illegal aliens should automatically be so convicted, denied citizenship, and deported with all their children even if they are born here, their parents and therefore they too, should also remain illegal for life.

To control big corporate money is a whole other matter: Abraham Lincoln pointed out that: "As a result of War, corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow. And the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong it reign by working on the prejudices of the people until wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few and the Republic is destroyed.” 

We should endeavor to ascertain how the moneyed power of the country so easily works on the prejudices of the people?  How are those prejudices manipulated?  How are the people so easily swayed to support the act of going to war?  Those corporations which promote those ventures need to be dethroned and refused access to swaying the opinions of the people.  The printing of fake news should cause the paper Editor's licensure cancellation and in addition a felony conviction, such a conviction only to be absolved, following a six year penal servitude.
Repeal amendment 16 and increase corporate taxes. We kicked out the British because of their punitive taxes. Taxing the people directly is Double Dipping Taxation. i.e. DDT. Wages and salaries are deducted as expenses before a company is taxed. Therefore that source of revenue is already taxed. When the people are taxed directly on their incomes, that is double dipping into that same source of company revenue, which they have negotiated as their living expenses. 
If war money is so badly needed  Issue war bonds and let the very rich invest their money. Taxing the poor, on their miserable incomes, is not an option, not even for a war effort. Return America to its once great status.   Repeal  16.

Go for it Mr President, by executive order if you have to, but then have your orders ratified by either congress or directly by a referendum of the people..  Thus they cannot accuse you of being a dictator. Get the job done Mr President. Yes, Make America Great Again.


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